17 October 2024

The Two Sisters

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived two sisters, Annette and Elise. Annette was the eldest, and Elise was the youngest. They had a kind and loving father, but he was a poor man, and they lived in a humble cottage near a dense forest.

The Demand of the King

One day, the king of the land sent for Annette. He wanted her to become a goose-girl in his court, taking care of his geese. Annette was sad to leave her home and her younger sister, but she had no choice. She bid her father and Elise farewell, and set off on her journey.

The Encounter with the Wicked Man

Lost in thought about her new life at the castle, Annette hadn’t noticed the path getting darker as she entered a deep part of the forest. Out of nowhere, a man with a sly grin approached her. “Need some help with those?” he asked, eyeing her belongings with too much interest. Annette, naive and trusting, nodded. Before she knew it, her precious staff and the golden goose, gifts from her father to present to the king, were in his hands. “Thank you so—,” she began, but he was already disappearing into the forest’s shadows. Heart pounding, she realized she’d been tricked. Tears in her eyes, she felt utterly alone and helpless.

The Help of the Kind Stranger

As Annette sat on the ground, despairing, footsteps approached. She looked up, expecting the worst, but instead saw a friendly face. A merchant, laden with goods, stood before her. “Trouble, miss?” he asked, concern in his eyes. With a heavy heart, Annette recounted her tale. The merchant listened intently, nodding. “Well, can’t leave you stranded here,” he decided, offering her a hand up. “I’m heading towards the castle myself. Let’s stick together; I’ll make sure no harm comes your way.” Grateful beyond words, Annette felt a glimmer of hope. Together, they marched on, the merchant’s presence a comforting shield against the uncertainties of the road ahead.

The Revenge of Annette

At the break of dawn, Annette and the merchant set their plan in motion. Hidden behind the tall castle walls, they watched as the wicked man approached, smug in his deceit. Annette stepped forward, courage in her heart. With the merchant by her side, she confronted the wicked man in front of the entire court. She recounted her tale, from the stolen staff to the golden goose, not missing a beat. The king listened, his face turning from shock to anger as the truth unfolded.

The Reward of Annette

Impressed by Annette’s bravery and quick thinking, the king’s decision came swift. Not only did he demand the return of Annette’s belongings but also granted her a new title. From that day forward, she would be known as the king’s most trusted advisor, a far cry from her humble beginnings as a goose-girl. Her eyes sparkled with tears of joy as she accepted the king’s offer, her heart swelling with pride.

The Happiness of the Sisters

Elise rushed to Annette’s side, their embrace a testament to the unbreakable bond of sisterhood. Together in the king’s court, surrounded by new friends and allies, their lives blossomed. Laughter and joy filled their days, a stark contrast to their once simple life. Annette often looked back on her journey, grateful for the merchant’s kindness and the twist of fate that brought her to this moment. Together, the sisters lived out their days in happiness, their story a beacon of hope and love.

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